A murder accused yesterday claimed he had consensual sex with his alleged victim in a nightclub.

Irishman Patrick Rae also insisted that when he had parted company with Mary McLaren, 34, she was alive and well.

But Rae admitted he hadn't told police about the sex episode - or being with the mum-of three when they left the club.

Rae told the High Court in Edinburgh: "I didn't think it was an important thing. She was alive the last time I saw her."

Rae, 41, denies raping and murdering Mary in February last year in Dundee and hiding her body in undergrowth.

The scrap metal dealer said that at the time, he was living in Arbroath and preparing a rented house for the arrival of his partner and her children.

He had gone to Dundee with a friend to buy a van but they had ended up on a drinking session. That night, he went to Fat Sam's nightclub where he met Mary and her sister Michelle Rodger, 27.

He danced with both women and claimed he and Mary's chat was of a sexual nature.

Rae maintained they began kissing and then moved to a dark corridor in the club.

He added: "We started kissing again and things got a bit heated and we had sex."

Outside the club, he met Mary again and they walked together through the streets. At one point, he claimed, she accidentally cut her head and he gave her a tissue to wipe blood away.

He said Mary then threw the bloodstained tissue away and it stuck to the sole of his shoe.

Rae told the jury he was on his knees vomiting when Mary strolled away and he didn't know which direction she took.

But when cross-examined, he admitted that when police quizzed him a week later he lied: "I am a hundred per cent sure I walked by myself."

Rae explained: "I was trying to start up my own relationship again and that's why I didn't tell the police.

"When I was at the police station I thought she would turn up. I gave the police as much information as I could."

The trial continues.
